Lockdown Wardrobe Clear-out

Not to make light of the situation, but if you’re spending all your time indoors it might be a nice idea to use this time to sort through your wardrobe in a more meaningful way...by this I mean actually put aside an hour each day where possible and start with what you haven't worn in the past 12 months - put those items into a seperate section. A tip is to turn all the hangers of these clothes around and if you wear them turn the hanger the correct way around. You’ll be surprised by all the clothes you think you want that you actually don’t wear. Then you can either bring them into us to sell on behalf or give them to charity. For more information on how to do this, click here.


Go through shoes - I could write an entire page on this but for now I will stick to a few key tips. Roll up magazines and insert them inside your leather or suede boots to ensure they don’t end up misshapen. Now clean them with proper leather cream to ensure they don’t end up dry & cracked.


FOLD when possible. If you hang jerseys or jumpers the chances are you will put "wings" into the shoulders and in all probability the item will "drop" and become uneven. yuk! Make sure you have adequate ventilation where your knitwear is stored or things can start smelling " musty" in no time.


Ideally if you have the space hang your trousers from the waist with clip hangers - again finger space your hangers to ensure good airflow between items. If you have woollen trousers it’s best to fold these to stop them "bagging". As certain trousers tend to crease, hang them in the bathroom overnight and let the shower steam pass through the fabric; this will drop most of the larger creases out(also a great tip if you’re caught without an iron and the pants you want to wear have fold creases).


Top priority here is use good quality hangers NOT wire ones! Most dress-jackets have some form of padding in the shoulders to "hold" the shape. Appreciate the fabric with correct hangers. Do up any buttons, check pockets for debris and always check for odours. If you have been among smokers the fabric could have absorbed a good amount, so again..hang in the bathroom and let the steam pass through the fabric. leave there overnight.If you tend to  pack your wardrobe full and there's not enough air passing through each item you will end up with that awful musty smell! Finger space each item. It does make a difference, promise.


White Vinegar is the answer to armpit odour (trust me).

Handwashing is by far the most effective way to remove odours. Remember, wool is prone to "pilling" and shrinking from heat & agitation (machines) & dry cleaning doesn't always remove all odours. Fill a spray bottle with 1/4 C White Vinegar + 1C Water. Spray onto underarm area until saturated. Leave for 30 mins then  add to a sinkful of cool water with a small amount of mild wool wash or baby shampoo. Then gently squeeze suds through taking care NOT to rub the wool.  Allow 30 minutes to soak, then drain the water & refill with fresh water and squeeze suds out. Do NOT wring or twist. Lay flat (on a towel across a clothes horse ideal!)




CORONA VIRUS NOTICE - please read (April 10th 2020)